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Community Foundation gives $100k to West Alabama Food Bank

Glenn Taylor of the CFWA is shown making the presentation to Jean Rykaczewski, Executive Director of the West Alabama Food Bank as Sam Faucett and Roger Sayers look on. More information about the Community Foundation of West Alabama is available by calling 205-366-0698 or by visiting the website at

The Community Foundation of West Alabama contributed $100,000 to the West Alabama Food Bank through the Eugenia Patton Faucett Fund. The Food Bank plans to apply the fusnds to their capital projects. Glenn Taylor, President and CEO of the CFWA said, “We are happy to partner with the Food Bank in this worthy effort.”
The Community Foundation of West Alabama annually distributes more than one million dollars to local charitable causes. The CFWA serves a nine-county area of West Alabama and is governed by a local board of 15 directors. The foundation’s mission is to encourage charitable giving for present and future generations.

The Community Foundation of West Alabama serves a nine-county area of West Alabama.

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